Privacy and Cookie Policy


This privacy policy was last updated on 21.2.2023

  1. Controller

  2. Contact details

    2.1 In matters concerning the management of customer relationships and customer accounts, please contact our customer service:

    2.2  Customer service is open from 10 am to 6 pm on Monday to Thursday and from 12 noon to 5 pm on Fridays. 

    2.3 In matters related to data protection, your primary point of contact is

  3. Personal data files containing personal data processed by


    • register of newsletter subscribers. 
    • customer, transaction and subscriber registers and register of contestants. 
    • online store:
    • and media section subscriber register
  4. Legal grounds for and purpose of processing personal data processes personal data for the purposes specified in the table below. The table also specifies the legal grounds for the processing of personal data for each purpose. 

    Basis of processing

    Purpose of processing

    Implementation of the agreement 

    Online shopping in accordance with the terms and conditions of’s online store
    Provision of the customer loyalty system and the related services and benefits and the management of customer relationships in accordance with the terms and conditions
    Delivery and development of our products and services to create more convenient shopping experiences for customers in accordance with the terms and conditions of and the online store (business planning and development, such as analytics, customer segmentation and profiling)
    Customer communications related to the customer system, as well as targeted marketing and advertising
    User management in online and mobile services
    Disclosure of data to partners in accordance with the terms and conditions of and the online store to provide partner benefits and make deliveries 


    Direct electronic marketing (via email and e.g. SMS)
    Delivery of notifications in mobile services notifications and targeted marketing and advertising based on mobile device identifiers
    Services related to the location of the terminal device
    Management of other private customer relationships (including communications related to investor relations) and targeted marketing and advertising
    Processing based on cookie preferences
    Processing of personal data based on consent from participants in events (including competitions and prize draws)   

    Statutory obligation 

    Accounting obligations (we process your purchase information such as the date, total amount and place of purchase for our records)
    Prevention and investigation of crime
    Establishment and defence of and response to legal claims in matters related to crime, damage and consumer law, for example
    Enforcement of the seller’s liability for defects in consumer sales Enforcement of product liability obligations
    Product recalls 

    Legitimate interest 

    Processing of and responding to customer feedback and service requests
    Recording of customer service calls to verify service transactions and ensure legal protection and safety, and to provide training to customer service staff 

  5. Data content of the register

    We process the following personal data of customers or other data subjects entered in the customer register: 

    • Basic information concerning the data subject, such as name*, date of birth**, customer number, username and/or other identifier, password 
    • Contact information for the data subject, such as email address**, phone number**, address* 
    • Customer grouping and demographic information, which can be based on, for example, your purchase information or information received from's partners;               
    • Data on companies and their contact persons, including Business IDs and the names and contact details* of contact persons. 
    • Marketing prohibitions and/or consents 
    • Data concerning customer relationships and agreements, including data on past and current agreements and orders, date of entry into the customer loyalty programme and the use of customer loyalty benefits, other transaction data such as subject area categories and customer purchase histories, user profiles based on the customer relationship, including browser data, correspondence with the customer/data subject and other contacts, cookies and the data related to their use, and data voluntarily entered by customers into the company’s systems, and payment service and account data. 
    • Any other information collected separately with the consent of the data subject. The information collected under the customer loyalty programme is specified in the terms and conditions of the customer loyalty programme.

    Disclosure of the personal data marked with an asterisk (*) is required in order to form contractual relationships and/or customer relationships with us. Without the necessary personal data, we cannot deliver products and/or services. In addition, the provision of personal data marked with two asterisks (**) is a condition of membership of the customer loyalty programme. 

  6. Regular data sources

    We obtain data primarily from the following sources:  

    1. From the data subjects themselves when they use our online store, sign up for the customer loyalty programme or participate in our prize draws and competitions, for example 
    2. From the Population Information System, the authorities, credit information companies, providers of contact information and other similar trusted partners, or from publicly available sources, from which we may collect personal data to update and maintain existing personal data We may also collect personal data from third parties for profiling and other purposes within the limits of the applicable legislation. Such collection and updating of data is carried out manually or automatically. 
  7. Regular disclosure of data and data transfers to areas outside the European Union or the European Economic Area

    We process data ourselves, and we also use subcontractors and other partners to process personal data on our behalf in compliance with the data protection legislation. We have, for example, outsourced IT management to an external service provider, and personal data is stored on a server managed and protected by this service provider.  

    Where we use subcontractors to process personal data, we enter into a personal data processing agreement with each subcontractor.’s partners may vary, but they include: 

    • IT service providers offering server and maintenance services, information systems and other technical support and services for data controllers 
    • Advertising agencies that carry out prize draws and marketing campaigns on behalf of data controllers 
    • Providers of electronic newsletter services that distribute newsletters 
    • Providers of payment and financial services for’s online store 
    • Providers of customer data updating services, which we maintain, update and enrich the contact details of the Klubi members included in our register and we create customer groupings based on profiling.        
    • Providers of consulting services that provide data controllers with assistance in service development, for example 
    • Customer service providers offering multichannel customer service 

    We may disclose personal data to the authorities if such disclosure is required by mandatory regulations. 

    We transfer personal data outside the EU or EEA. Where personal data is processed outside the EU or EEA, we will ensure that the subcontractor has either committed to the EU Commission’s standard contractual clauses for the processing of personal data, or that the transfer can be carried out using other transfer criteria as defined by data protection legislation. 

  8. Principles for protecting personal data processing

    The personal data we process is protected by means of appropriate technical and organisational security measures. Any data breaches will be reported in accordance with the applicable data protection legislation. Only employees authorised to process customer data as part of their duties have the right to use systems containing personal data. Each user has their own user ID and password for the system. Personal data is collected in databases that are protected by firewalls, passwords and other appropriate technical means. Databases and their backup copies are kept in locked premises, and only individuals designated in advance can access the data.  

  9. Retention period

    We retain personal data as long as is necessary for the purpose of its use. This period is kept as short as possible. In accordance with the Accounting Act, we retain data concerning customer relationships for the duration of the relationship and for six years following its termination. We annually assess whether other data should be retained.  In addition, we take reasonable measures to ensure that personal data concerning data subjects that is inconsistent with the purposes of processing data in the register, outdated or erroneous will not be retained. We will rectify or destroy such data immediately. 

  10. Rights of the data subject 

    As a data subject, you are entitled to review your personal data stored in the data file and to demand the rectification or removal of erroneous data when legal grounds exist (you can use our email Under the General Data Protection Regulation, you are, as a data subject, entitled (as of 25 May 2018) to object to or request the restriction of the processing of your personal data and to file a complaint with the supervisory authority. You also have the right to object to the processing of your personal data for profiling and other purposes when the processing of your data is based on a customer relationship between us. When exercising your right, you must specify the particular circumstance based on which you object to the processing of your personal data. We may refuse to fulfil your request only on legal grounds. 

    As a data subject, you are also entitled at any time and free of charge to object to the processing of your personal data to the extent that the processing is based on consent. For example, you can withdraw your consent to receive our newsletters via the link at the bottom of each email marketing message or by following the instructions to unsubscribe provided in a mobile marketing message. As our loyal customer, you can also withdraw your consent to receive direct marketing by signing in to your  account or by contacting’s customer service and hotline number

    Subject to the terms and conditions of, you have the right to terminate your participation at any time without giving any reason by using the ‘Delete User Account’ function on the website or by contacting’s customer service.

  11. Whom can I contact?

    As a data subject, you are entitled to review your personal data stored in the data file and to demand the rectification or removal of any erroneous, outdated, unnecessary or unlawful data. If you have access to your data, you can edit the data yourself.  

    To the extent that the processing is based on consent, you also have the right to withdraw or modify your consent at any time. The withdrawal of consent will not affect the lawfulness of the processing that took place before the withdrawal. 

    Customers have the right to prohibit the use of their data for direct marketing purposes or for market and opinion surveys by notifying the data controller of this. Customers registered in the online store and Klubi can also set such prohibitions in their user account information on the website. 

    In addition, you have the right to object to or request the restriction of the processing of your personal data and to file a complaint with the supervisory authority. 

    For particular personal reasons, you also have the right to object to the processing of your personal data when the processing is based on a legitimate interest. When exercising your right, you must specify the particular circumstance based on which you object to the processing of your personal data. We may refuse to fulfil your request only on legal grounds. 

    You must submit your request to review your personal data using the mail or send a mail or letter to Oy in Finland address mentioned on the website. will respond in writing to data review requests. Requests submitted by mail will be responded to by registered letter, and the post office will confirm the recipient’s identity. 

  12. Changes to the privacy statement

    Any changes to this privacy policy will be published in the description together with their date. If the changes are material, we may also announce them through other means such as email or an announcement on our website. We recommend that you visit our website regularly and consider any changes to our privacy policies. 

  13. Whom can I contact?

    All communications and requests regarding this privacy policy should be made using the contact details specified in the website